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Leadership on the Trail

Coaching individual leaders is probably the most enjoyable and rewarding aspect of my job. We live in a world that needs authentic servant-leaders more than ever, and my clients are all people who are striving to be better for their teams, companies, families, and friends. It's both humbling and inspiring, and it's hard to imagine a higher-impact use of my limited talents and time.

Something that I find very helpful (though probably annoying at times) is my constant use of metaphors and analogies to illustrate key concepts. In a recent discussion with a client, the topic turned to mentoring and developing junior members of the staff. In this particular case, we were trying to figure out how to move an especially promising young consultant to the next level. She'd quickly adapted to life in the company, was doing very solid work, and had earned the trust of her co-workers and clients. The specific question was: "How does my mentorship need to change? She's mastered the basics and is ready to do more." At this point, my brain flashed to one of my favorite metaphors and I said, "You've done a great job of coaching her to run track, but it is time to get her out on the trails." Said more directly, she'd been managed well, but only leadership could get her to next level. Here is a written summary of the rest of our call.

Management is an analog for coaching Track

  • Conditions are generally known and repeatable.

  • We are looking to improve through consistency, efficiency, and precision. 

  • Standardization and processes are very helpful, even necessary, to get better.

Leadership is more like coaching Trail Running

  • The leader must mark the path. It can't all be seen from the starting line. It is varied and imperfect, but requires clear guidance and direction. You don’t want your athletes slowing down or stopping as they try to figure out which way to go.

  • The leader must identify and remove obstacles. Your athlete's horsepower is wasted if the path is blocked or too difficult to navigate.

  • The leader must be there to pick people up when they fall. You have to give athletes permission to run hard, knowing that they are likely to trip - but you'll accept it and help them back to their feet.

So what might this look like in real life?

Mark the trail:

  • She mentioned that she really values spending time with you and being exposed to client interactions - so it would be great to continue giving her more insight and access to your process.

  • Include her on the bcc line of an email with a client

  • Take a few extra minutes to explain the nuance of client relationship or a product/presentation

  • Don't assume that she's picked up on everything. She may actually need some things explained further for context and perspective.

  • Take the time to offer clear guidance up front. Confirm that she understands. Ask if she needs anything else - then let her run a little bit and see how she does.

Remove obstacles

  • Ask her directly and specifically what she needs. 

  • Where does she feel underdeveloped?

  • What aspects of the job/business does she not understand?

  • When does she feel overwhelmed or lacking confidence?

  • What does she want to understand that she currently isn't seeing?

  • Who would she like to learn from or interact with?

Pick her up

  • Provide some positive reinforcement. She won't ask for it, but she'd definitely appreciate it. Catch her doing something well

  • Just give her a little more responsibility with a project. Set her up for success, but let her take it and see how she does.

  • Accept that it won't be perfect the first several times.

  • Be clear on what she did well, and where she can improve. Clear is kind.

I hope that you find this metaphor helpful on your own leadership journey. If you don't, please feel free to roll your eyes and shrug it off - I take no offense, my kids do it all the time!

If you'd like to hear more, my partner Brandon and I would be happy to chat and maybe even join you on the trail. Just send a note to and we can set up a time to talk.